Our Publications in Russian.
[Introduction to evolutionary macroeconomics].Moskva: Yaponiya segodnya.
In the series "Sovremennaya institutsionalynaya i evolutsionnaya teoriya [Contemporary institutional and evolutionary economics]" there were the following works:
- North D. 1997. INSTITUTY, INSTITUTSIONAL’NYE IZMENENIYA I FUNKTSIONIROVANIE EKONOMIKI [Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance]. Moskva: Fond ekonomicheskoy knigi “Nachala”"
- Coase, R. 2001. PRIRODA FIRMY [Nature of the Firm]. Ed. O. E Williamson and S. G. Winter. Moskva: Izd. "Delo". (The book contains material of the scientific conference devoted to the half-century anniversary of the publication of the fundamental work of the English economist, Nobel laureate Ronald Harry Coase, including lectures of R.G. Coase).
- Eggertsson T. 2001. EKONOMICHESKOE POVEDENIE I INSTITUTY [Economic behavior and institutions]. Moskva: Izd. "Delo”.
- Nelson R. and Winter S. 2002. EVOLYUTSIONNAYA TEORIYA EKONOMICHESKIKH IZMENENII [An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change]. Moskva: Izd. "Delo”.
- Hodgson, J. 2003. EKONOMICHESKAYA TEORIYA I INSTITUTY. MANIFEST SOVREMENNOI INSTITUTSIONAL’NOI EKONOMIKI [Economics theory and institutions. The manifesto of modern institutional economics]. Moskva: Izd. "Delo”.
- Knight, F. H. 2003. RISK, NEOPREDELENNOST’ I PRIBYL’ [Risk, Uncertainty and Profit]. Moskva: Izd. "Delo”.
- Ulin B. 2004. Mezhregional’naya i mezhdunarodnaya torgovlya [Interregional and international trade]. Moskva: Izd. "Delo”.
- Hansen, E. 2006. Denezhnaya teoriya i finansovaya politika [Monetary theory and fiscal policy]. Moskva: Izd. "Delo”.
- Rost potrebleniya I factor raznoobraziya 2007. [Consumption growth and the diversity factor] The latest studies by Western and Russian evolutionists. Moskva: Izd. "Delo”.
- Veblen, T. 2007.Teoriya delovogo predpriyatiya [The theory of business enterprise]. Moskva: Izd. "Delo”.
The collections of papers of I-IX international symposia on Evolutionary Economics were also published.